
MR. RIGHT AND MY LEFT KIDNEY is much more than a book about kidney transplant. It is a hilarious, entertaining look at the quest for true love. At the same time it is an excellent resource for potential organ donors. When Joan Saltzman was making her decision about whether to give her husband a kidney, she combed the libraries and the Internet for a memoir about a spousal transplant and found none. MR. RIGHT fills that need.

MR RIGHT AND MY LEFT KIDNEY is a realistic and often funny look at the questions that confront a potential organ donor. While MR. RIGHT deals specifically with spousal kidney transplant, it is useful for friends or other family members considering giving their loved ones a kidney or part of a liver. MR. RIGHT addresses the medical and emotional considerations of transplant, as well as the necessity of planning for the time after transplant surgery. MR. RIGHT provides an intimate, quirky look behind the scenes of a real spousal transplant.

MR. RIGHT AND MY LEFT KIDNEY is available from your local bookstore and at

For more information on transplants:

American Association of Kidney Patients
Renal Support Network
Transplant Experience